A Great Amateur Radio Contest For Everyone Around The World

An opportunity for Atlantic Canada amateur radio stations, operators, and clubs to get on the air and welcome contacts to Atlantic Canada.

Canadian Amateur Radio Contest

Atlantic Canada QSO Party

It’s a fun, no-pressure contest, with scores to see how you did compared to other operators in Atlantic Canada. The object is to contact as many stations as possible. Atlantic Canada stations work everyone, and non-Atlantic Canada stations (US/Canada/DX) work Atlantic Canada Stations.

Atlantic Canada stations are located in the provinces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Amateur Radio prefixes (VO1/2, VY2, VE9, and VA/VE1).

QSO Party Details

Date: June 7, 2025
Contest Period: 1200Z Saturday until 0200Z Sunday (9am ADT Saturday until 11pm ADT Saturday).
Bands: 80-40-20-15-10m only.
Modes: SSB, CW, or Mixed mode. No digital modes. No cross mode contacts.